AI - we are so lost

I spent the whole of last week with people from the AI industry. There were founders of companies that do things with AI and their techies who are in charge of it. And what I heard was really bad.

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Bye bye Alexa, hello Google Assistant

Due to the lack of alternatives you’re currently faced with 3 big questions:

  1. do I want a virtual assistant? And if the answer is „yes“:
  2. do I prefer Amazon’s Alexa?
  3. do I prefer Google Assistant?

For many people in Germany, the answer to the first question is: „For God’s sake, no! A spy like that won’t come into my house!“
You may stop reading now, this article is not for you.

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Youtube Music in everyday life

I was on the road these days and thought that I could try Youtube Music, which I have anyway thanks to the Google Play Music subscription.

Several weeks ago I synchronized my favorite playlist to the phone, so I was forced to test the offline functionality on the plane.

Music is playing - what could go wrong?

Said and done: headphones on, music on. So far so good. YT Music only plays the music of Youtube videos that were recognized as music. So if you have also favored a lecture, it is not to be heard.

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Blogging via Chatbot

In the last months weblogs feel more and more orphaned and even this blog got fewer articles than I wanted to publish. I think on social networks like Twitter and Facebook it’s too easy to publish images and your current thoughts or to share links.

So why shouldn’t I do that with my blog with the positive side effect that all my data belongs to me? But to quickly publish anything you need an interface, especially when you want to publish from your phone. You can install a mobile theme for your Wordpress blog, but firstly I hate the mobile view of WP, secondly I don’t use Wordpress, and thirdly „fast“ is not the best description for the UI.

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